We embed sustainability into all our operations, while we make sure we follow all rules and regulations in place, along with the highest standards and industry best practices.

To continue improving our performance, we set short, medium and long term ESG targets, to achieve sustainable growth and generate social value. Our comprehensive objectives matrix encompasses baseline sustainability metrics for the current reporting period, coupled with interim targets and 2050 commitments.
  • We target environmental performance objectives such as reducing emissions, using less water, improving energy efficiency, recovering more waste and preventing any spills or environmental prejudices.
  • We have a strong focus on creating a culture that values inclusion, diversity, transparency, equal treatment, employee health, and wellbeing, as well as workforce engagement.
  • Safety is a priority in our operations. We put the safety of our employees, contractors, and communities first, while focusing on sustainable operations.
  • Our goals remain: 0 fatalities, LTIR 0, TRIR 0.
  • We comply with regulations, standards, and workplace safety legislation, and continue to provide training to our people to operate in a safe environment.

Diversity is the central theme of 2023 Rompetrol Sustainability Report, reflecting the complexity of our business, the extensive geographical coverage of our operations, cultural richness, the variety of professional specializations and skills, and our commitment to an inclusive and resilient future. Covering the 1-year reporting period from January 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2023, the report presents our approach and sustainability performance across all significant operations through transparent insights and in-depth assessments of relevant metrics.

For more detailed information about our ESG targets, please refer to our current and past Group Sustainability Reports.

Sustainability principles and goals

In all our operations we apply fair labor practices and abide all applicable workplace, employment, privacy and human rights legislation including support of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Regarding ethics, human rights, advice-seeking and grievance mechanisms, anti-corruption/anti-bribery, risk management, we have policies in place that apply to all our employees, but also to our stakeholders.

Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, which applies to all companies part of KMG International, promote ethical values and principles and may be read here.


Join us on this sustainability journey!

Climate change

Rompetrol, member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

We continue to report our ESG progress as a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). 

UNGC is an initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt and implement sustainability policies, and it provides us with a platform for our commitment to Corporate Responsibility.

It also enables us to adopt an established and globally recognized policy framework for the development, implementation, and disclosure of environmental, social, and governance policies and practices.

The 2021-2023 strategy of United Nations calls for companies to demonstrate continuous improvement in advancing the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable development, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

Participants in the UNGC include over 16,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories, making it the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, committed to human rights, fair labor, environmental protection, and anti-corruption.

KMG International first joined UNGC in 2015.