Our corporate rules and principles

Corporate Governance provides coherent information concerning the framework in which KMG International, owner of the Rompetrol brand, performs at operational and managing levels, ensuring the transparency of all activities.
KMG International N.V. is incorporated and operating under Dutch laws, having its headquarters located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

The company was well-known as Rompetrol Group N.V until 2014 when it was renamed in KMG International as part of the strategy to integrate all activities within NC KazMunayGas JSC - the Group’s sole shareholder and Kazakhstan's national oil and gas operator.

We have developed a solid Corporate Governance culture, which is enriched each year to reflect alignment to global and local benchmarks and best practices in the dynamic sector that we conduct our operations.

Board of Managing Directors

The company has a unified management system, including 5 (five) Managing Directors of which one executive (the Chief Executive Officer – CEO) and 4 Non-Executive Managing Directors.

See the Board members

Executive Management

The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company and together with the executive management, they contribute to the  strategic development of the company and its subsidiaries.

See the management team


KMG International and its subsidiaries pursue a corporate culture that encourages the reporting of professional misconduct and requires enforcement of ethics control mechanisms within the organization.

KMG International is committed to fostering a workplace conducive to open communication regarding the Company's business practices. 

The company aims to protect anyone raising a reasonable concern/complaint against unlawful retaliation and discrimination for having properly disclosed or reported illegal or unethical conduct.

In this respect our company has developed the Whistleblower Policy which enables every single employee, supplier, client or collaborator of KMG International to raise concerns/complaints in good faith, protected by confidentiality, without fear of retaliation. 

Concerns/complaints raised may refer to any transactions or events for which there is a reasonable assumption to be considered in breach of the Law, of the Internal Regulations and/or of the standards of Integrity or Ethics. 

Our employees/collaborators/suppliers/clients are encouraged to use our reporting channel at any time when they observe an ethical irregularity or misconduct within the KMG International Group. 

Your concerns/complaints may be raised at the following email address:

[email protected]

We assure you that all information provided will be treated with maximum confidentiality, maintaining the anonymity of the person who reported the information.

Download our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

The nomination process

The nomination process of key people within the Group is approached, discussed, and approved by the highest governance body, based on criteria such as expertise, knowledge, skills, in line with the Group’s business needs. 

In accordance with Board Regulations, the company’s Board approves the appointment of general managers (GM) of KMG International N.V. affiliates, as well as the organizational structure of the Group and the appointment of Chief Officers by business units. 

Conflict of interest

All transactions among KMG International N.V. and a Board Member in which there is a conflict of interest shall be agreed on terms that are customary for arm's-length transactions in the branch of business in which the company and its subsidiaries are active. Such Regulations also lay down rules and requirements concerning a conflict of interest.

Employment and remuneration

The Appointment and Remuneration Committee is responsible for advising the Board and the General Meeting (i.e. Sole Shareholders) generally in matters related to remuneration policy, terms of employment, total compensation, and performance criteria for top management. They are also responsible for the creation and implementation of any compensation plans, and the monitoring and assistance in the implementation of remuneration policies and plans at the Group level.


Recognizing our moral responsibility of promoting and protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of everyone involved in our activities, KMG International has implemented an integrated QHSE management, whose straightforward principles are embraced within all KMGI entities. 

All employees are responsible for actively participating in the development of the QHSE management system and the promotion of a positive QHSE culture within each KMG International entity organization. It is the responsibility of all employees to communicate QHSE concerns, hazards, issues, and reward positive QHSE behavior.

Management is responsible for effectively communicating their commitment to QHSE issues and encouraging employee participation in the QHSE management system. Effective communication is what ensures that all the KMG International QHSE objectives and policies are clearly understood by all KMG International entities employees, that action plans, standards, procedures, and systems are efficiently implemented, performance is monitored, and feedback is provided.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Our Code of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct reflect the Group’s set of values, principles and ethical regulations that we observe in our day-by-day activities and we also expect our business partners to align with. 

Being engaged in almost all the operations pertaining to the Oil & Gas Industry, our success is possible only if our business is based on a clear and long-term strategic orientation towards integrity, honesty and responsibility.

KMG International has put policies in place that apply to all subsidiaries within our organization, and all organizations we do business with, both domestic and international.

Ethics, human rights, advice-seeking and grievance mechanisms, anti-corruption/anti-bribery policy and risk management, all these policies are applicable to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders with direct or indirect relation to KMG International. 

The Code of Ethics establishes norms of behavior in interaction with colleagues, government bodies, our shareholders, affiliates, business partners, communities, and the media.

We encourage our employees and collaborators to report any breaches of the Code and possible ethical issues – whether these relate to them, their direct reports, line managers or others. The Compliance Department has to be contacted for any ethical issues or concerns that employees may have: [email protected].

Download our Business Conduct and Code of Ethics